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2016 in Review (Part 2)

Evening all! Well that was a shock to the system. First school runs of the year and to top it off the weather was freezing!

Today I’m going to share July to December of my 2016 round up. You can find January to June here in yesterday’s post.


One of my first few projects after I joined the DT for Polkadoodles was this cute card using Winston Bear Heartfelt and my favourite make from July:

Winston Bear Heartfelt (2)


This paper pad has already featured on my yearly round up, but paired with this Punch of Colour Girls image from Crafts & Me it has made my favourite card of August:

Punch of Colours Girls (2)


My favourite card(s) from September are these clean and simple (for me) cards. They were quite quick to make a little batch of, as they use digital elements from PolkadoodlesTwiggy & Toots Festive Fun Download Collection:

Festive Fun (3)


Another month where Mr Mojo was running at 110%. There were quite a few cards I could have picked but this one stood out as I was so pleased with how the hair turned out. This is Aurora Prayer from The East Wind :

Aurora Prayer (1)


One of the few personalised Christmas cards I made this year was for my Mum and Dad and used this fabulous image Chilly in Love from Pink Gem Designs. This is my favourite make from November:

Chilly in Love (2) 


In a break from all the Christmas cards I coloured up some images that Nikky from Polkadoodles drew depicting the older lady….actually Old Bags…lol. This one is Revolting Kiss and is one of my favourite pieces of colouring for the year:

 Old Bag (3)


If you have done your own round review of last year please let me know in the comments as I would love to pop by and take a look.

Thanks for stopping by


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