Fancy Pants · Halloween · Wee Stamps · Whimsy Stamps

Happy Halloween

Hazel (6)_thumb

Evening all. We are just about to have a quick tea before we take the children out Trick or Treating. So while it finishes cooking I thought I would pop on and share my final Halloween make of the year.

This is the card I made for my partner in a card swap I take part in. The theme was either Halloween or Autumn and me being me I just had to pick Halloween. 

This card uses Sylvia Zet’s adorable Hazel image and she is also available in rubber from the Whimsy Stamps Store here:

Hazel (3)_thumb[1]

  If you read my blog you will know that this year I really have been a little bit addicted to making Halloween Projects.

Hazel (8)_thumb[1]

I have really made use of these digi papers from Snap Click Supply Winking smile 


I would like to enter this card into the following challenges:

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